Good things... perfect gifts. The past two days I have spent with dear friends and feel refreshed beyond words. Timeless moments. Last night Rachel and I could not stop talking. It was 2am and we were still going strong. Well, at least she was. I had nodded off but was still answering her questions... though my responses did not make sense. I woke up moments later to her laughter at my silly statements. What in the world did I say, anyway?!? No idea. This morning a chipmunk with half of a bread roll in his mouth hopped up onto the hood of my car as I was sitting behind the steering wheel putting on socks and shoes. He was an arrogant chipmunk, next deciding to settle on my sideview mirror and check me out. We eyed each other for quite some time, until I slowly reached for my camera. Unfortunately he was a bit photo-shy, and ran off. I was delighted with the whole thing.
There is beauty absolutely everywhere, but I think people are the most lovely thing of all. Here are a few photos from today... it was one of the unforgettable kind:)...

This is Isaac, age 5, son of my good friend Tiffany. Tif and I were best friends during high school and I cannot believe how much little Isaac has grown. We went to a baseball game tonight, then went straight home to play a game of our own. Isaac was the batter, Tiffany was the pitcher, and I was the outfielder/catcher. Isaac hit something like 100 home runs before we could move on to football, then to looking at pictures of their many excursions to the zoo. Isaac laughs at everything and is amazed by minute details of life. His imagination is explosive and Tiffany enters into Isaac's love of life right along with her son. During the baseball game he had his own game going on at the side of the spectator stand, not caring one speck about what others might think of him. I love Tif and Isaac. In the near future we have a date to watch Cars, and my dad is going to take us flying soon for Isaac's first airplane ride. He starts kindergarten in a few weeks and can't wait.

Running in Fargo!!! While out on the road we saw what might have been the dearest old man I've ever seen. He was speed shuffling with an unbuttoned shirt and enormous, wrap-around sunglasses. He marched head down, leaning forward, walking so quickly that it almost look like he wanted to run. We were concerned he might topple over, since it was clear that his mind and upper half wanted to do much more than his lower half would allow. We watched after him for as long as we possibly could and would have like to spend many more hours soaking up this man's zeal for life.
I cannot wait to mention that as a welcome home gift (one of many) from my BFFE, Emma, I recieved a fabulous picnic basket complete with everything necessary for a picnic for two. There is even a kite and bubbles inside!!! Can you even believe it?!?! I still can't. Anyone game for a picnic?!? I would happily take one every single day without complaint:). Let me know. Days like today remind me that God is intimately involved in the tiniest details of our lives. He cares about the small things and He blesses constantly in ways that I often am too busy to notice. Driving home tonight, a fragile and radiant monarch butterfly fluttered briefly across my peripheral vision as I cruised down the asphalt. Beauty on concrete. God is everywhere. He is my joy... the lover of my soul. Thank you, GOD, for daily reminders of your unceasing presence and unleashed love. He is like a hammock in the sun... He beckons...
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