Stopping in Sartell to make a surprise delivery of peanut butter bonbons to Joel's high school. The beautiful blonde in the picture is my cousin, Charlotte.

It was a STUNNING drive. We couldn't have picked a better time to drive through Wisconsin!!

Every trip to Wisconsin involves a stop for cheese... more specifically as far as we are concerned... cheese curds.

Rachel and Carina can't even wait until we get inside to start munching on cheese!!

Char-baby taking advantage of the free samples.

Finally in Chicago! Here is Rachel with her sister, Hannah Banana.

At the marathon expo!! Oh my, this is serious.

Carina playing "drinko".

My Grand Am is just as nice and has loads more character:).

It would only be a simple matter of breaking the world record to drive away in this lovely automobile.





The countdown clock

This police officer was too funny. I love Chicago:)!!!

Our World Vision pasta party. Talk about a carbo-load!

Rachel bought Colby Jack a polo shirt!


Waking up at 4am to a living room decked out with toilet paper streamers!!! Thanks, Stephen and Joy!!!

Chearing us on.


We'll be fine.

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