Sunday, July 15, 2007

See You Soon...

Sarah and I said this an awful lot over the past week as we avoided saying 'goodbye' like the plague. We realized more than ever before that Mozambique truly has become home to us, and we were forced to leave precious family and incredible friends there in much the same way that we needed to say goodbye to loved ones in the USA nearly one year ago. It seems that we are doubly blessed with the privilege of calling "home" two entirely different corners of the planet, but this also means that no matter where I am for the rest of my life I will be missing people and places where I cannot be. God has given us much. We had a terrible time saying goodbye to Carlos and Pascua, the other families on Maforga mission and the local volunteers we spent days and days with in the community. Without intending for this to happen, I have discovered that my heart is buried in African soil. This shocks me to a degree, and makes me wonder about the future. I would be so content to start working in the states and develop some sort of 'normalcy'. However, having seen the things that God has allowed me to see and experience over the past 12 months I do not know if this is possible. Whatever happens in the future, my life certainly will never be the same.

Currently we are spending a week of debriefing and planning for the months to come at Hands at Work in South Africa. We are enjoying our time, and very much looking forward to getting off the plane in Fargo. For all of you dear ones in the states... I AM COMING HOME!!!! Only 10 more days!!!!! I can imagine wanting to talk to and hug all of you at once. What treasure...

Please pray for the coming days. We are putting together video presentation and testimonies from Mozambique for speaking engagements in the future. I am excited.

Hands at Work has a new website up and running, and it is fantastic!!! I highly recommend checking it out...

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