**Generally I try to reign in my urges to use excessive amounts of exclamation points, but I could not control it today. Sorry about that.**
Oops! I had such good intentions of blogging more thoughts about this engagement season. I have discovered that wedding planning is, in fact, not as simple as I thought it would be and time has gotten away from me. The wedding is on Sunday!!!!!!!! Can I get a WOOP WOOP?!?!?!?!? Being engaged has been fantastic. I have gained so much of a better understanding of what it means to be the bride of Christ, and how diligent I ought to be in preparing for His coming. I have also gained a better understanding of the unsearchable depths of God's love for me through Steve. Our relationship is positively wonderful, but it takes work to keep it that way! It is the same with my relationship with God, yet I am so quick to neglect it. Wasn't His design of marriage such a fantastic idea?! While being a blessing to us, it also points us to Him and creates a deeper dependency for Him.
Like most females, I have spent a good many years dreaming about my wedding. As the day approaches the top 3 things I really cannot wait to experience are...
1) Getting to wear my beautiful dress!!
2) Having the doors of the church open and seeing Steve!! We will both be an emotional mess I am sure.
3) The pronouncement of husband and wife. I know it would not be wise to jump up and down, but will I be able to contain it? Doubtful.
On that note, I need to finish packing before we board our plane for North Dakota tonight! Steve and I covet your prayers, and look forward to seeing many of you this weekend!!!!!!!
Making Your Home an Oasis
1 year ago
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