The last week has been a crazy one... I put in my two weeks' notice at Meritcare (which was very difficult... I LOVE my coworkers) and began making preparations to leave Fargo. God has been challenging me in many ways regarding the 'stuff' I have accumulated, and teaching me to hold possessions very loosely. He is definitely asking me to "put my money where my mouth is" to borrow the phrase. I am trying earnestly to be obedient and the more I am, the more freedom and joy that I feel. All I really
need is HIM! In early August my family is going camping in Texas, and I'll fly directly from there to California to take my first travel nursing assignment. It will be 8 weeks and a lot of work, but I'm excited!! Since travel nursing assignments are only 8 weeks, there will be plenty of amazing opportunities to travel... like the opportunity to spend 4 weeks in Africa in October!!! I'm seriously praying about doing that. The thought of being in Africa again gives me so many excited butterflies in my stomach that I've hardly been able to eat anything the past couple of days. I've kept in touch with several friends in South Africa who are part of an organization called Ten Thousand Homes ( and God is doing some amazingly
sa-weet stuff. I'd like to visit them for a few days to check it out, then head up to Mozambique... where I am quite sure I left my heart. Maybe I'll find it and if I do, I'll let you know:).
Though I am excited about the news things on the horizon, the biggest challenge of leaving is saying goodbye to the amazing friendships I have here. God has blessed my socks off, that is for sure. I'll miss the coziness of having such dear friends so close at hand. The other day Isaac's babysitter was sick, so I got to hang out with him while Tiffany was at work. I'll miss things like that. We had a GREAT time! Here are some pics...

Does Jazz like Reeses Puffs?! Yup.

Isaac wanted to make sure that I got a picture with Jazz too:).

Here he wanted me to take a picture of Jazz's butt:). We laughed about that for a while.

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