Just moments ago, the news flashed onto CNN that Morgan Tsvangirai has formally withdrawn from Zimbabwe's race for President. The implications of this for the people of Zimbabwe cannot be fathomed. There will continue to be violence, especially towards the brave Zimbabweans who stuck out their necks to vote against current president Robert Mugabe's evil regime. There will continue to be hunger, with store shelves empty and inflation so out of control that residents remain unable to pay for anything that may be available. And I complain about the price of gas. Meanwhile, the rising price of oil affects so much more than those of us who are now forced to think twice about driving to Minneapolis for the weekend to do a little shopping (feeling sorry for me?). The world food shortage continues to increase, drastically affecting millions of lives. It is completely unacceptable that countless across the globe are starving. But what do I care? My stomach is pleasantly full.
Lately I have noticed the ease with which I can get swept up into materialism and the love of money. I see again and again that the cares of the world impact me at a much more alarming rate than the love of Christ in me seeks to impact the world. It's a simple thing for the radical love that blesses the poor, the meek, the merciful, and the peacemaker to be forgotten because it's completely unnatural apart from walking daily with Jesus. With a renewed understanding of my own selfishness and an intense desire for a holiness that sends this ugliness packing, I've been falling back down on my knees and asking God for ears that hear the cries of the hungry and the groans of the oppressed. I want to hear those voices more than the voices everywhere screaming that I "deserve" more... better... more... better... more... better. You get the idea. We all hear them.
So, I'm working on a new budgeting system that perhaps I could hold a little bit closer to Scripture without squirming as violently. I will soon be taking my first travel nursing position... destination currently unknown. Oh, and the Air Force? What was I thinking? As the date to sign the contract grew closer, the reservations began to well up in me to a boiling point. I was reminded by my wise dad what joining the Air Force would entail, and the gentle advice that even if the money looked good, perhaps this wasn't for me. He is so right. For one thing, how could I sign a contract that would own me completely for the next several years? There are more reasons, and ones closer to my heart... but I'll leave it at that. I'm excited to see how God will provide for graduate school. He will... I know it. And I also know that He will use those of us who have bread to provide it for others who need some. We are His hands and feet after all! I, for one, could stand to get a lot more concerned about feeding hungry crowds of 5000. Before performing a miracle, didn't Jesus first say to his disciples... "You give them something to eat." And what they had they gave to Him. Something to think about.
Making Your Home an Oasis
1 year ago