Carlos had never left Africa before and it was a blessing that he was able to obtain a visa and make the trip to the US for a month to travel and speak. I was thrilled that Carlos and Steve would at last have a chance to meet. While we were waiting at the airport for Carlos to arrive and searching the crowds for his face I told Steve, "you will know who he is when you see his eyes." And, in fact, Steve spotted him first. There is a light and a joy in his eyes that comes from being with Christ. It reminds me of the book of Exodus when Moses comes down from Mount Sinai and he is not aware that his face is radiant because he has spoken with the Lord. Such a beautiful thing!
One of the really special moments of his short time with us was when he saw snow for the first time! We all laughed as he jumped in it and we showed him how to throw snowballs (of course) and slide on the ice. The Olympics were just starting so we watched some of the skiing and Carlos kept saying, "OH. Is it real?!?" and laughing and laughing. Carlos was able to share about the ministry of Rubatano with many of our friends one evening. There are so many believers in Mozambique who are doing an amazing work of reaching out to orphans and the sick and dying. Please be praying for Carlos as he continues to travel and speak for two more weeks. Pray that the Lord would provide for the needs of Rubatano. The needs are, indeed, great but our God is greater!!!! We were very sad to see him go, but as always, Carlos reminded us that "We are together."
Here are some photos...