Monday, July 05, 2010

It's Been A While

A lot can happen in a few months it seems! I was just reading over my last post and am amazed by all that has transpired since then. To write in detail about it all would take approximately forever, so I'll just give a brief synopsis...

We discovered with delight in mid-March that our first child was on the way! No one could have been more thrilled than we were... we talked to the baby, prayed, planned and dreamed. At 10 weeks I was scheduled for my first ultrasound and we counted down the days. Everything had been going well...

We saw our baby but something was very wrong. Too small for 10 weeks and with no heartbeat, our precious child was already with the Lord and we were devastated. Our amazing Colorado Springs family surrounded us in the ensuing horrible hours and my mom, sister-in-law, and best friend arrived two days later to be with us while I went through surgery and while we recovered emotionally. Anyone who has had a miscarriage knows how much it hurts... my arms literally ached to hold my baby.

But God. So many times I've seen those two words throughout Scripture and lately they have gotten my attention. But God. He was there in our grief and gave us grace to worship him through our sorrow. As tears flowed we remember that God lost His Son... he knew how we felt. We are so grateful for His nearness in our brokenness and though we would love to have our child back, we have peace.

Within a week after our miscarriage we both knew that it was time to move. God had been putting such a burden on both of our hearts to move closer to Steve's family in Wisconsin. We began making plans, notifying our landlord that we would move when our lease was up at the end of June and notifying our places of employment of our plans. We didn't have any jobs lined up but knew that God would provide... He was leading us, after all. He DID provide! Steve is pursuing a position through classes and an internship that would result in the job of his dreams and I have the job of my dreams in a large children's hospital in Milwaukee working in the pediatric ICU. We just moved last Thursday and are getting settled in! We spent the weekend with Steve's family and my family is flying in for the coming one. We feel God calling us to pursue becoming foster parents and are beginning to work on getting licensed. Foster children so desperately need loving, stable homes and we are so excited about this new journey!

We're not where we thought we'd be, but we're thankful. The Lord knows what He is doing and I believe that now more than ever! I have a feeling that He is going to do some awesome things in the coming months... I'll try to keep you posted.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Looking Back to Egypt

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin

I find so much hope in this beautiful verse of music. For a long time I have felt beaten down by all of the ways that I fall short of the glory of God. I don't feel worthy of His mercy and have therefore settled into a life that looks strikingly similar to the rest of the world. I was reading in Acts yesterday morning where Stephen is talking about Israel and says something absolutely tragic. "And in their hearts they turned back to Egypt." (Acts 7:39b) Though they had seen God do miracle upon miracle, yet they forgot all of that and yearned for their former life of bondage! How easily I do the same. My days fill up with work and social events, acquiring "stuff" and wasting time watching tv, even busying myself with church activities. How easily I forget that my first and greatest calling is to "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." (Deuteronomy 6:5) This week I have been on my knees, returning to my first love. It is a great place to be.

Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My African Brother

I have dubbed February the 'month of guests'. Creative, right? No? Ok you're right. Anyway, our home has been filled with people almost constantly this month and we have loved every minute of it! We were positively delighted when we found out a few weeks ago that Carlos Giua would be coming to visit all the way from Mozambique. Carlos and his wife, Pascua, and their two daughters were our family in Mozambique and leaving them was very difficult. Since that time they have had another daughter and a son and continue their amazing work of loving their neighbors selflessly. Their love for Christ is so obvious and the first thing we always did when stepping into their home for a meal or tea was to pray together.

Carlos had never left Africa before and it was a blessing that he was able to obtain a visa and make the trip to the US for a month to travel and speak. I was thrilled that Carlos and Steve would at last have a chance to meet. While we were waiting at the airport for Carlos to arrive and searching the crowds for his face I told Steve, "you will know who he is when you see his eyes." And, in fact, Steve spotted him first. There is a light and a joy in his eyes that comes from being with Christ. It reminds me of the book of Exodus when Moses comes down from Mount Sinai and he is not aware that his face is radiant because he has spoken with the Lord. Such a beautiful thing!

One of the really special moments of his short time with us was when he saw snow for the first time! We all laughed as he jumped in it and we showed him how to throw snowballs (of course) and slide on the ice. The Olympics were just starting so we watched some of the skiing and Carlos kept saying, "OH. Is it real?!?" and laughing and laughing. Carlos was able to share about the ministry of Rubatano with many of our friends one evening. There are so many believers in Mozambique who are doing an amazing work of reaching out to orphans and the sick and dying. Please be praying for Carlos as he continues to travel and speak for two more weeks. Pray that the Lord would provide for the needs of Rubatano. The needs are, indeed, great but our God is greater!!!! We were very sad to see him go, but as always, Carlos reminded us that "We are together."

Here are some photos...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fun Art

We had been looking for something spiffy to put on the large wall above our bed and just couldn't find the right thing. We finally found this so Steve put it together and.... TA DA!!!

Makes me smile.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Haps

About that eggnog. I suppose we should have been suspicious when the only liquids called for in the recipe were 2 cups of rum and 1/2 cup of milk. It was, how do I say, potent. All but a couple sips of it went down the kitchen sink. But we had fun making it! And we'll try a different recipe next year. Here's a pic... even the smell almost made me pass out...

To continue on the note of failure, the Super Bowl was last Sunday.

I am very sad.

The Vikings weren't in it.


As you can see we were good fans and I was clearly not afraid to give up my dignity. But once again I find myself saying... there is always next year.

One of my favorite people of all time, Megan, came to visit a couple weeks ago. It was good times, good times. While she was here we went on our very first snowshoe expedition. See below. While we braved the wilderness Steve and Sean went skiing. Steve had a little incident involving a face-plant:)... hence the band-aid you will see on his nose. I love that guy!