Yes, you did read correctly. I did, in fact, go on a date... and it was, in fact, my best date ever. Yesterday afternoon after work I went for a run in what has quickly become the dead of winter in North Dakota. Well, I say a "run", but it probably resembled more of an eskimo waddle with all of the layers I needed to wear. When I got back to my house my dad was there to take me out! We went to dinner at my favorite restaurant, caught a movie, raced back to the car (my dad was a sprinter and can still beat me), went to a another restaurant for dessert and coffee, and then sat at my apartment talking late into the night like two long-time acquaintances truly discovering the other for the first time. I went to bed marveling at how crazy it is that people can live in the same house for years and still not really get to know the depths of the other. I've always been completely proud of my dad and known that he loves me more than words can say. But we have also always lived in two quite different worlds, and I'm thrilled that those worlds are colliding!! When sharing the story with a pal today, she said... "I wish my dad would do that! I can't even imagine such a thing." Needless to say, I've really been blessed. It'll be tough to beat that date!!!
Christmas is coming! The festivity in the air is easily caught, and I find it delightful. With the first big snowfall last Monday night I was decorating my Christmas tree and brainstorming best possible gifts for all of my loved ones. Then I took advantage of "Happy Hour" at Moxie Java. Coffee shop "Happy Hour" just rocks, because you can get the expensive, 16 oz. soy latte for $1.89 instead of $47.63 or whatever we are required to pay for two shots of espresso and steamed milk these days. Give me a break! Anyway, with coffee in hand and back behind the wheel I was free to sing along to "O Holy Night" at the top of my lungs... going for the high notes and caring little if I reached them or not. The beauty of singing in the car is that a person always sounds good there. Perhaps not as good everywhere else, but definitely good in the car. SING ON:)!!!
This living alone thing is becoming something that I really treasure, and I'm thankful that God knew I needed it. He is showing me again the beauty of silence, the wonder in little things in life, and the peace found in trusting Him and being content.
Tomorrow I am going to watch my sister play basketball and plan to be as obnoxious as possible. Then my brother, sister, and I are headed to Minneapolis to watch the Vikes take on the Bears this Sunday!!!! I can hardly wait...
Making Your Home an Oasis
1 year ago